The Tragic Yuri Story Presented As 90s Survival Horror

btw spoilers are going to be marked like this: You are a cutie. so yeah just highlight those portions to read. PLEASE PLAY THE GAME FIRST THOUGH.

This is litterally now one of my favorite games of all time. When I say that I played this through on stream and got absolutely OBSESSED, I'm not joking.


The basic idea is you play as an android with the designation LSTR-512 aka Elster. She wakes up in a crashed ship on an icy planet called Leng. Her commander Alina (actually her commander is a woman named Arianne.) is missing and so Elster has to find her. Elster leaves the ship and enters a mining facility on the planet called S-23 Sierpinski. Inside she starts her search finding nothing but a few dismembered and mutated androids.

To be honest though if I go on anymore about the story I would be censoring everything. So I’ll just say.

I love the feeling I get from watching Elster and Ariane’s relationship in the brief flashbacks. THE YEARNING I FEEL FOR THEM. It’s such a sweet and heartfelt thing to see the small progressions. I WISH I could see them happy… The whole story revolving around the promise they made to each other made me hopeful up until the end. I’ll leave this to you to find out what the promise really was.


The low poly models against either pre-render or 2d sprite style backgrounds really gives this game a great feel. It feels like the perfect late 90s survival horror game that was never released then. The artistry of everything involved gives the atmosphere and story its weight. The anime styled stills give so much for you to latch onto with the characters and who they are. Even the short first person perspective parts are great. The stylistic shift from them definitely helps you feel the ambience and surrealness. Everything about aesthetics is great in my opinion.


God damn did they do an amazing job. The ambience and music that plays throughout give such a great feeling of unease and tension. The sound of enemies spotting you -the shrieks- god does it make me freak out a little and panic trying to figure out how I’m going to deal with them. The biggest thing though for me are these enemies which screw up your screen while blasting radio static and noise. Them combined with other enemies creates such a terrifying situation. Although it isn’t all horrifying vibes, there are plenty of calm (but still slightly off putting songs) songs in the score. Like the save room song which is chill but detuned in such a way it’s still eerie. Biggest song in my mind comes in with “The Promise”. A sort of theme for Elster and her journey throughout the game. It's a somber piano piece that ramps up in volume and tension during its course. You would think it would stand out and clash against the rest of the soundtrack but it works! It feels so impactful and like such an emotional core to the game. Love everything about the soundtrack so much that I preordered the vinyl of it! I’ll have to upload the pictures when I receive it.


I’m in love with everything about this game and I want to share it with everyone around. Also so far the community has been awesome! I see so much amazing fanart of the game and the silly memes that a lot of others has funny as fuck. It’s also wild to see that some amazing person has made blender models of almost all the characters in the game and they’re FREE TO DOWNLOAD. It's so nice as well because of the previously mentioned yearning because the sweet romantic fanart of the main character makes me FEEL SO MUCH.

Anyways here have a silly meme I made with the free Blender models.